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Getting to Know You

Do you have a “Student of the Week” in your classroom? It’s a tried and true activity for letting each of your students feel special. It’s fun for each student to share about themselves and it’s a great way to build a feeling of classroom community.

The trouble can be remembering to send home a poster with a student each week! OUR TIP: send home a poster with each child at the beginning of the year (maybe Back to School Night) and as they are returned, fold them and file them away in a folder in your filling cabinet. Then when it’s Monday morning and time for a new student of the week, just grab one of the posters from your file and put it up! It will keep things running smoothly all year. And it’s a fun surprise for the featured student of the week!

There are lots of other ways to use these getting to know you posters. One way is to just print one out on regular paper for each student to do on one of the first days of school. You can put easily bind the pages into a quick class book!

I think they might also make a fun Back to School display in the hall outside your classroom!

Free Student of the Week or Back to School Activity Printables

We have two free posters you can use for this activity. One is “All About Me” and the other is “Me By the Numbers.” You can print them on regular sized paper or there are two extra large sizes you can print if you want to use them as posters. We printed out the largest size from Staples. They call them “Engineer Prints.” (Tip: you can print any black and white item as an engineer print! I printed out giant pictures of my son for his first birthday this way and they were so fun!)

Click here to download the free posters!

Free Student of the Week or Getting to Know You Activity Printables

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After a combined 14 years in 2nd grade, sisters Heidi & Emily are passionate about helping simplify life for other teachers!

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