After last week's INSANITY (Halloween, torrential rain = inside recess, power outage, field trip) it was a relief to get back to normal today. It gave us the first real chance to try out the November writing prompts. I gathered a bunch of journal ideas from the internet and wrote each one on a leaf. I put them all in a pumpkin and the kids could pick one if they wanted.
I found leaves and pumpkin at Roberts Craft for 75% off!! Score! Writing on the leaves was a bit tricky. I tried markers first, but they bled too much. I ended up using my favorite Muji pen and it turned out great. I imagine any gel pen would work as well.
Here are the prompts I thought would appeal to my 2nd graders. They're not my original ideas, but I didn't think to pay attention to my sources while I was collecting them.
- Write a letter to a fall tree. Try to convince the tree not to drop its leaves.
- What will you do during Thanksgiving break?
- Write a recipe for cooking a turkey.
- What if you found a magical pumpkin patch?
- What if Thanksgiving were in the summer?
- If your Thanksgiving turkey burned, what would you eat?
- Imagine you'll turn into a pumpkin at midnight tonight. Write about all the things you'd like to do before you turn into a pumpkin.
- Once upon a time there was a turkey who never…
- Tell about your favorite thing about autumn.
- Imagine the school voted you principal. What would you do? What changes would you make?
- Write about an autumn day. What would you do? Tell about the colors, smells, tastes, and sounds.
- Would a turkey make a good pet? Why or why not?
- If you could have whatever you wanted for Thanksgiving dinner, what would you have?
- Write a story about a squirrel getting ready for winter.
I also got the new lists posted, as well. This still isn't nearly as popular a choice as journals and letter writing are. In fact, I think maybe 2 kids chose it all of October. For now, at least, I'm going to keep offering it.
You can download a copy of the file here. The clip art is from Lettering Delights.
My goal is to get December's writing taken care of this week. Maybe I can get on top of this little project!!