We didn't get a chance to share any new Halloween posts with you this year. We've both just been crazy busy with other projects (busy bags, anyone??)
But we do have some fun ideas you may have missed so I've rounded up the ideas + freebies for you all in one post. And keep reading because at the end you'll find a FREE game that we're retiring from the shop. Yippee for free.
You can read all the ideas we rounded up last year by checking out the posts under the Halloween tag.
And finally, a new freebie! We've decided to retire Costume Party Bingo from our etsy shop and offer it to you here for FREE. Click here to download the directions, calling cards, and bingo cards.
Don't forget, it's not too late to pick up one of our other Halloween games from the shop. Our Halloween favorites are: Costume Closet, Witches Spell, Trick or Treat, and Ghosts in the Cemetery.
Happy Halloween!