December is one of my favorite months for teaching school because there are so many fun things you can do. But it’s also one of the most difficult times of the year for teaching because the kids are so wound up. Throw in some snow days and it can be a recipe for disaster! But hopefully, some fun brain breaks will be just the thing to help the kids get some wiggles out and get back on task! (Might we also suggest our post about a free Reindeer Games classroom management system for December?)
We created three types of brain breaks:
- Recharge – these brain breaks are for movement. Use these when you need kids to get the wiggles out! They’re likely to elicit lots of giggles.
- Refocus – these are brain breaks that involve concentration like meditation and controlled movement.
- Refresh – these brain breaks will engage your students’ minds in fun activities that will make them smile.
Want 12 Free Christmas Brain Breaks?
We came up with activities that don’t require technology or other materials. Print these babies out and you’re set for the month! We also tried to choose activities that feature active participation for all so there is minimal waiting around for a turn.
We’ve found command hooks on the inside of a cupboard is a great way to store brain breaks! You could hang up just the three sets you need for the month or store the whole year’s worth that way.