2nd Grade Morning Work Term 2 • Daily Math and ELA Spiral Review
The original 2nd spiral review – term 2! Our 2nd grade morning work/ bell-ringers expertly spiral review the 2nd grade language arts and mathematics standards.
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The original 2nd spiral review – term 2! Our 2nd grade morning work/ bell-ringers expertly spiral review the 2nd grade language arts and mathematics standards. We call it morning work but this incredible review activity can be worked into any part of your school day. It’s one thing we will never teach a day of school without because we’ve seen the incredible results with our own students for years.
NEW! This product now contains both print + Google Classroom + Seesaw (ready to use) versions of this product!
Daily Spiral Review is one of the most effective ways to help students move their learning from short term to long term memory. Every time our students retrieve information from their memories it becomes easier to recall that information in the future. Our Spiral Review includes both math & ELA content because studies show that mixing different content challenges the learner but leads to more flexible understanding and the ability to implement knowledge in varied situations. We space out how frequently students see certain content to help deepen their understanding.
What makes our morning work special?
- Horizontal (easy to project!) pages
- Detailed answer key
- High quality, non-distracting design
- Both Math & ELA content
- Carefully planned content designed to build independence in students
- Expertly spiraled content that constantly reviews and increases in difficulty
- Key features designed to help students deepen their understanding
- 3 unique, editable cover options (each in color and b&w)
- NEW: Google Slides for each week
- NEW: Seesaw – Click & Assign for each week
Need more resources for 2nd grade? Check out all our 2nd Grade Resources.
2nd grade Morning Work Term 2 cycles through 5 language art areas:
- Phonics — vowel and consonant practice
- Language — sight words and dictionary skills
- Grammar — nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, contractions, past tense, subject-verb agreement, etc.
- Writing — composition and editing
- Vocabulary — context clues, glossary skills, synonyms, compound words, etc.
And 5 math areas:
- Place Value — combinations to ten, using ones and tens, number patterns, expanded form, etc.
- Math Facts — computational fluency with combinations to 20
- Problem Solving — addition and subtraction (one and two-step problems) with 1-3 digits, comparisons, multiplication, and division.
- Measurement — graphing, nonstandard and standard measurement, telling time, and counting money.
- Geometry — 2-D and 3-D shapes, measurement, and fractions
2nd Grade Morning Work Term 2 includes:
- 45 days (9 weeks) of math/ELA spiral review (pages 46-90)
- Answer key
- 3 editable cover options (color and b&w)
- NEW: Google Slides for each week
- NEW: Seesaw – Click & Assign for each week
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